Safeguarding in Sport


Safeguarding Resources

The Child Protection in Sport Unit has a ‘Resource Library’ to support Sports Clubs and Organisations.  Below are links to different sections as well as other resources from Buddle and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) websites:

Policies – Sample policy statements and codes of conduct.                                      Research – Latest research findings.

Best Practice – Briefing papers and good practice advice.                                        Publications – Reports and print-ready posters and leaflets.

Videos – Useful video clips to watch.                                                                              Webinars – Recordings, presentations and other resources.

Forms – Templates to make your own forms and checklists.                                     Training – Identify the most appropriate training for you.

Tools – Toolkits, standards and frameworks.                                                                 Events – This will help you meet the safeguarding responsibilities for events

Safer Recruitment – Safe recruitment and selection procedures.                            Away Trips & Travel – Trips, events and travel

Codes of Conduct – Sample codes of conduct for parents, children and staff       Health & Safety – Policies and Risk Assessments

CSE in Sport – Awareness videos and posters                                                              Bullying – Preventing bullying in sport

Online Safety – Information and resources for online safety                                     Eating Disorders – Training and videos

Eating Disorders – young people’s specialised mental health services

Voice of the Child

Involving children and young people in decision making, planning and hearing their voices is an important part of creating a safe culture in a club or activity.

The CPSU have developed guidance to help your sport or activity to meet the child’s safeguarding needs and provide the relevant tools to involving and listening to a child’s voice within your setting.  Further details can be found here –

PLAY THEIR WAY – When children shape their sporting experience, anything is possible. The Play Their Way movement aims to support coaches to give children and young people a choice in their experiences of activity, create space for them to voice their wishes and enable them to take ownership of their development journey. When you embrace child-first coaching every coach has the potential to transform lives.  Further details and resources can be found here –

Active Cheshire are asking young people under the age of 18 to have their say to get Cheshire and Warrington active

We would like to hear from you about how you stay active in your community and what you would like to see happening. The form can be completed as a group or as an individual.

We look forward to hearing your responses!







Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity

Safeguarding adults is a responsibility for every sport and physical activity organisation.

Getting safeguarding right will ensure a wider participation in sport or physical activity and ensure safe access for everyone.

Newsletters Best Practice Procedures Templates