Who are Active Cheshire?

Active Cheshire is a leading charity and social enterprise established over 30 years ago by local partners to improve the health and wellbeing of local people in Cheshire and Warrington through increased, sustainable physical activity.

As the lead body for physical activity and sport in Cheshire and Warrington, it is our job to engage, educate, enable, inspire and influence the local community, as well as a wide range of organisations, stakeholders and partners – locally, nationally and even globally to change the habits, attitudes and behaviours of an increasingly inactive society.

It’s all about great teamwork

We are proud to have a highly talented and energetic team of people, led by our CEO Mike Watson; who has significant experience of working in and with the professional sport and activity sector at a national and local level.

Active Cheshire are driven and challenged to achieve the collective ambitions of the region, through scrutiny and advocacy by an experienced board of Trustees, Patrons and Ambassadors who bring a diverse range of skills and expertise to the organisation.

Awards & Achievements

  • Multi-Award Winning Charity including Northwest Charity of the Year (Highly Commended) and Best of the Best Business Awards
  • Proud to be a Living Wage and Mindful Employer
  • Member of the English Federation of Disability Sport
  • In 2017 we secured over £1M of funds for other organisations to help support common causes.


As an independent charity in receipt of public investment, we are governed and managed robustly as you would expect. Active Cheshire see good governance as a keystone to constantly improving as a charity, and a positive way to provide better service to the community year-on-year.

Find out more about about Active Cheshire’s Governance.