Exciting opportunity for sports and community activity providers
• Would you like to expand your delivery for people with lived experience of disability
• Would you like to access a range of free workshops and resources to support the inclusion of people with lived experience of disability in your setting
• Would you like to network with other providers in Cheshire
Active Cheshire, Disability Positive and Activity Alliance are working together to deliver an exciting project to increase access to community-based physical and sports activities for people with lived experience of disability living in Cheshire
You are invited to take part in a series of free workshops in 2023 including:
• Understanding the Equality Act
• Disability Equality
• Accredited Inclusion training
We will be co-producing additional workshops with providers and people with lived experience of disability – topics will be chosen by providers.
Workshops will take place during 2023 including an opportunity to participate in a conference celebrating ‘good practice in the sports and physical activity sector’.
The next workshop is now open for booking:
The Equality Act and what this means for Providers 26th April 2023 @ Vicars Cross Golf Club Tarvin Road, Chester, CH3 7HN 9.30-1.00 including refreshments
Please email mel@disabilitypositive.org with the following details if you are interested in taking part:
• Name, Job Title, Address, and contact details
• Name of Provider and what activity/ies you deliver and area of delivery
• Access requirements